The Network with Unlimited Bandwidth

Sofia Noor Rafa
4 min readDec 6, 2020
Image Source: Pexels

Between a yearly difference from 2019 to 2020, the number of internet consumers has been on a significant rise. Reportedly, an estimated 2, 525, 033, 874 users spend time on the internet from continent Asia. Where the number of internet service providers and consumers is gradually increasing throughout the world, Asia is atop the list. Asia has topped the rating of internet users by scoring a rough number of 2300 Million; a survey done by Internet World Stats says exactly that.

During the lockdown, every person had to face something unusual. Luckily, the internet is there to save people from eternal boredom. Anyone could watch their favorite content or read specs about new gadgets. One can scroll through weblogs on the free-hours to cut-short the ever-increasing reading materials available online. The web experience is surreally made. A familiar topic pops up, the reader opens it, and the article, element, or content sets the mood. The to-do lists are only supposed to expand endlessly. Long screen hours have influenced daily routines to turn sloth. When we go out, we are out in reality. The virtual experience is not always the same. Faster internet is a crave now. Starting from kitchen items to toiletries, we go blind if one device stops working. The precedence of technology in our daily activities is enormous.

Google Mail says to not worry about storage. In case you are sending out an extra-large e-book to your friend, you may not be able to. Large PDF files are sent as Google Drive links on Gmail. The online web sessions we are holding are being also recorded. There is a profile-directory link to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. After crossing the time for new-membership, a new link will be generating for each profile to flaunt as the profile link. A unique link is for every access, or browsing. Our archives are only growing out, making things harder to manage.

Saving URLs from the web has become an online norm. The burgeoning collection of avatars, ideas (Pinterest board), drafts (Mail, Docs, Instagram archive) is like an infinite extravaganza. The document I typed will be on the web if published, or even if I don’t, it will be auto-saved for later purposes. Paid storage facilities have kicked off long ago. There was a time people were worried about losing records, but infinite storage is attainable now on the internet, with multiple forms- online and offline. The internet is just patterning from one shape to another, leaving us in speculation.

There was a time when wired evolutions became a milestone in the history of communication. Copper has proved to be a valuable solution to communications. But, copper wire is an expensive substance and demands metallic extrication. The engineering required to build wired stations can get costly. So, the idea of wireless communication worked like a magic trick. Wireless networking became so popular that then-markets embraced it gleefully. It does not seem to stop, but wireless technology is overcoming its limits gradually.

Internet of Things (IoT) is another example marking that the internet knows no bounds. IoT components like processors, multiprocessors work as units to build smart devices. The internet has got the square of consumers, and to keep them happy, giants are adding marketable options to their updates. Just as soon as the competition between tech-brands started, revolutionary changes began to occur in the market. One company now has more than one area of control. To last as a brand is just a matter of time now as feats are continuously shifting. With the internet as a capacitor, a transformation from old-school to tech-savvy is usual. Almost every app on our smartphones functions better while connected to the internet. The internet is a massive current component. Today, making a mesh out of Bluetooth is one of the easiest of setup connections.

We can make free video calls, stream and shop online, or even play virtual games countlessly. The internet can provide its users with boundless amount of services that make life easier. But, the internet is also a network to give you too many options to choose from and, consequently, it is hard to decide which one you should pick; because sometime later, you might veer to another experience from the previous one. The internet may be a blocker to productivity if not managed smartly. The information we see on the web gets inside us; the web can be misleading. It is hard to visualize a time without internet influences. Does the network have a limit anyway?

3Com’s Robert Metcalfe’s commented on the future of the internet that “the Internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse”. The statement does not seem to have an implementation. Well, things are clearly on the other side.



Sofia Noor Rafa

A bio can never describe a person..... 🥀